commercial and
feature film.

Moving images have achieved an unprecedented status in today's society. They captivate the viewer's eye like no other medium and can thus awaken our most impulsive desires and feelings. With the help of well thought-out cinematic composition and the understanding of the respective audience, an inexhaustible palette of creative methods is opened up to the filmmaker. I see my primary role on set in the camera department, however I also offer experience in props and set decoration.


technical background.

I was lucky enough to enjoy an apprenticeship as a film and camera technician at the Berlin-based company SeeYouRent in late 2023 and
late 2024. From consumer-oriented DSLR cameras to highly
professional workhorses like the ARRI Mini LF and beyond, pretty much everything is included in their product range and I had the pleasure of working and learning from this industry standard.


graphic and advertising design